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A380 Etihad Airways Takeoff Runway

A380 Etihad Airways

A380 Etihad Airways. The super jumbo jet Airbus A380-800 while rotating takeoff. This picture taken at Airbus facility while handed over ceremony. The ceremony conducted in December 2014.

The aircraft was the MSN166. This means the aircraft production number was 166. Counting since the first prototype rolled out. Technically Airbus name it as Airbus A380-841. Because Etihad selected Rolls Royce Trent Engine as power plant. There is also Engine Alliance GP7000 options. So all yielded to the customers. Which engine options they want to have. Because both engines are brilliant. It takes that what agreement between airlines and engine maker.

Anyway, Etihad have been received eight A380s out of ten A380's orders. The carrier became one of the few airlines that thought this is a good idea to business.

At the moment airliners tend to have more efficient aircraft on its business. Rather than huge aircraft that expensive to operate. Unless you have massive passengers and good load factor. Singapore Airlines was the one who not to extended Airbus A380's lease program.

You could fly Airbus A380 of Etihad from Abu Dhabi to certain destinations. Such as, London, New York, Mumbai and Sydney. Another city in Australia is Melbourne. The carrier also offers residence class. Which allow you to have living room on board and ensure you to have luxurious trip.

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