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An-178 For Silk Way Airlines of Azerbaijan

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An-178 For Silk Way Airlines

An-178 For Silk Way Airlines of Azerbaijan. Ukrainian Antonov state enterprise has started production of aircraft An-178. This is part of the contract to supply 10 aircraft of this model to Azerbaijan Silk Way Airlines.

"Certification testing of the An-178 aircraft are one of the priorities of the company today," Alexander Kotsuba, president of 'Antonov' state company said. "We are testing the aircraft using the requirements of the European CS-25 standards," he stressed.

So far, the An-178 aircraft performs about 100 flights with a total duration of more than 160 hours, said the company spoke person. "Today the plane prepares to resume flight testing," added the man. "The goods are provided for loading and unloading pallets and containers."

Antonov An-178 For Silk Way Airlines

'Antonov' State Company of Azerbaijan and Silk Way Airlines signed a contract in May 2015 to assemble 10 aircraft An-178 in Ukraine and then supplied to Azerbaijan. According to the terms of the contract, the first two aircraft to be delivered at the end of 2018, eight planes - prior agreement between the two sides.

An opportunity to establish a joint venture for the production of Antonov An-178 aircraft was also discussed during the visit of President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko to Azerbaijan on July 2016.

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