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AgustaWestland AW609 Cruising Tiltrotor Aircraft

AgustaWestland AW609

AgustaWestland AW609 while cruising among mountainous. For some people this might be new species of aircraft. Yes, it is an fixed-wing aircraft also can be called as rotor-craft as well.

It is can fly as ordinary aircraft but takeoff and landing vertically. They said this is a VTOL (Vertical takeoff and landing). The aircraft has same platform with Boeing V-22 Osprey but they consider as military variant. Previously known as Bell/Agusta BA609.

It is aimed at the civil aviation market, they targeted to VIP customers. Also can be used to offshore oil and gas operators. They can fit one or two crew. Meanwhile six to nine passengers can on-board. Depends on seating configuration and payload.

Until now, the AW609 is on flight testing and prototyping. There are two prototypes at the moment. They expect to receive FAA certification in 2016 but seems to be late. Because of lack of funding and technical issues. In 2015, prototype number two crashed and killed test pilot. After that the development and certification likely to idle.

If the AW609 is ready on operation. They can fly up to 1,400 km and carry up to 2.5 tonnes payload. Price tag is believe around USD 24 - 30 million. It is much higher than ordinary private jet on its class. But 2-in-1 aircraft should be good advantages. Even they have received orders since 1999. In March 2015 they received 60 firm orders.

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