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F-35 Weapon Tests With New Software

F-35 Weapon Tests

F-35 Weapon Tests with newest developed software. Thanks to Block 3F software, the Lockheed Martin F-35 recently completed twelve weapons accuracy and thirteen separation events weapons during a trial. The trial took on the west coast of the United States.

During software testing Block 2 in the F-35, the service performs three weapons delivery accuracy tests in a month.

Recent tests use 30 different weapons, including Boeing set Direct Attack Munitions, Raytheon AIM-120 AMRAAM, guided by GPS pump small diameter Boeing and Raytheon AIM-9X Sidewinder, according to a press release gluing August 22 Lockheed.

"The WDA are based on the total capacity of the F-35 - multiple sensors, navigation in weapons, mission planning, data links and programming range between agencies - all working in sequence to put steel white ", Lt. Gen. Chris Bogdan, said F-35 program executive officer in the statement.

Despite the Navy of the United States declared initial operational capability for the F-35 in July 2015 and the United States Air Force declared the IOC for the F-35 on August 2, many of the more advanced capabilities the aircraft is not ready to software blocks 3F and 4 are available in 2018 and 2021, respectively. With its current software block 3I, the F-35A maneuver limit to 7g, however is expected to handle 9g maneuver with block 3F software.

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