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Dassault Rafale C Takeoff at Payerne Air Base

dassault rafale c takeoff

Dassault Rafale C Takeoff Runway

Dassault Rafale C Takeoff on runway and lift off. The French jet fighter while spotted in Switzerland. Jeremy captured it while its mission at Payerne Air Base. Payerne is a military air field of Swiss Air Force. Located northern Payerne City and about between Bern and Lausanne. The Air Base is a home of F/A-18 Hornet and F-5 Tiger jet fighter. These are squadron 17 Falcon and squadron 18 Panther. The least is squadron 6 Duck, home of the Tiger Jet. Because it is nearby from France, so oftentimes French Air Force coming by. Anyway, Dassault Rafale also be operated by Egypt Air Force. Will follow soon are India and Qatar Air Force. Speaking of Rafale, the -C variant is a special variant for Armee de L'air and will not sell abroad.

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