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F-16 RNAF Sensational Maneuver and Flares

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F-16 RNAF Sensational Maneuver and Flares

F-16 RNAF Sensational Maneuver and Flares. This is Lockheed Martin F-16AM of Royal Netherlands Air Force. Picture shown a jet fighter while maneuvering in the sky. At the same time, pilot also releases flares. What a stunning photograph. Thanks to Bram Steeman for great photo shoot. The F-16 also known as Fighting Falcon. The F-16AM variant was a result from Mid-Life Update (MLU). The main changes were cockpit and avionics enhancements. Based on performance, this variant is equal to F-16C/D Block 50/52. In simple terms, the -AM variant improved in reliability, maintainability as well as performance. Anyway, the Fighting Falcon of Royal Netherlands Air Force plans to be retired in the coming years. The F-35 decides to replace old fleet.

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