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An-225 Bird Eye View Unloading Cargo

an-225 bird eye view

An-225 Bird Eye View

An-225 Bird Eye View. The picture shown largest aircraft ever. Antonov An-225 Mriya. According to our contributor. The Mriya while unloading at Leos Janacek Airport Ostrava. Previously known as Ostrava-Mosnov International Airport. It is located about 20 kilometers from Ostrava's downtown. The airport is open for 24 hours for operational reason. Many cargo aircraft unload and loading cargo every day. Antonov Airlines is one of them. The carrier operating Antonov An-225 and Antonov An-124. The An-124 also called Ruslan. The second largest aircraft after An-225 Mriya. Speaking of the picture. The aircraft while capturing from up above. So that we called it bird eye view. Take a look to man size ratio. Because An-225 is way bigger than any objects down there. It has 84 meters overall length and even wider in wingspan. To accommodate such a heavy aircraft. Antonov should designed the wingspan at least 88 meters. Another thing is, there is only one Antonov An-225 in the world.

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