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Eurofighter Typhoon Royal Air Force Trial Flight

Eurofighter Typhoon Royal Air Force

Eurofighter Typhoon Royal Air Force during trial flight. The most advanced jet in Europe while on flying over England air space. At the time the jet on weapon firing training.

The jet is a multi-role, twin engine jet fighter. It has canard and delta wing configuration. Among jet designer, the configuration gives you instability in flight. In other hand this instability is desired on flight maneuver during air warfare. So the more unstable you have the more agile the jet fighter will be.

Because the jet built by European consortium. Consist of Airbus Group, BAe Systems and Alenia Aermacchi. The jet has multi user, especially in Europe. Meanwhile there are also potential exports abroad. Saudi Arabia, Kuwait and Oman are middle east countries that operate the Typhoons. Furthermore another European countries and some Asia Pacific countries are listed to be potential buyers. Such as Indonesia, Malaysia and Vietnam.

Among potential buyers, Eurofighter have been failed bids with India, Japan, South Korea in Asian countries. There were no details information regarding these failed bids. Eurofighter tags a jet within EUR 90 - 120 million price range. Even they offer for local assembly jet and technology transfer project. If certain customers are strongly willing to be a partner.

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